What is the most unhealthy place in your home?

If you guessed the trash bin,  you’re right! The truth is,  trash is filthy,  so just imagine the amount of grime in and around your trash bin.  After being left out for a couple of days harmful bacteria can begin to grow. Animals and insects may get into your bins and help the spreading of disease and bacteria. Your trash and the bacteria that may be growing in your bin are the perfect combination for foul odors.  Even after the trash is long gone, the lingering effects of it can still be seen and smelled.

Can you list bacteria that grow in your trash bins?

  • Salmonella
  • E. Coli
  • Listeria
  • Mold
  • And Many More

How do I keep my family healthy and safe from trash bin bacteria?

Your best option is routine professional sanitizing, it is the perfect solution to keep your family safe! Studies show that sanitizing frequently reduces the risk of exposure to harmful germs and bacteria. Our all natural products used to sanitize and deodorize your trash and recycle bins significantly reduces unhealthy bacteria and odors.  Plus, our eco-friendly process significantly reduces the amount of water wasted.

Trying to sanitize it yourself may put you at further risk. Most do-it-yourself jobs will waste water and contaminate the surrounding environment with harsh chemicals. This may lead to damaged yards, rivers, streams and even worse, the local water supply.  So, let the professionals assist, we use all natural cleaning solutions and capture the waste water, protecting your yard, local water supply, pets and family members.